Years ago I received a wonderful gift from my daughter. It looked like a big frosted candle jar. It was in fact a frosted glass jar full of memories; my daughter's memories. Inside were slips of paper in three or four different shades of pastel paper with typed memories and one by one put in the jar as she remembered them.
At the time I received that jar, I thought, "How cool." I have kept that jar all these years and have shown it to my friends, but then for several years had forgotten to look at it. I moved it, dusted it occasionally. That was about it.
I have it on display in my bookcase because it is pretty and is surrounded by other memories. A clothespin rocking chair given to my by my oldest son also years and years ago and a picture of my youngest son and Santa and me taken when I worked at a nursing home. That was about thirty years ago.
I was puttering this morning while my computer was getting cleaned out and thought, "I think I will look at those pretty little slips of memories." Well, I got a surprise. Most of her memories I had forgotten. What a shame! They sounded like such fun. I could have cried, however I am so happy that I had made her life happy when she was a child and a young woman.
There were some memories that I think her father made possible. I absolutely know that I would never ever have permitted her to have a telephone in her room.
So my message to you folks is to go through your memory jars, your scrap books, and albums and anything that will job your brain to make you smile, because if you don't someone will beat you to it.