Saturday, April 30, 2011

How I Wish I Would Have Thought Of That!!

 Now that spring is here and the rain has finally stopped at our house. The sun is shining and the orioles and humming birds are flying around our house; Fran is happy as a clam. (Are clams really happy?)
He has been tilling and tilling our garden and the neighbor's garden. Then the trips to town and the nursery for garden plants and seeds began. The trick is that he tilled way too much garden for the amount of plants and seeds. That continued until he finally had an even amount.  I went out to the porch to watch him with Maggie for company. I sat down and watched a happy man, but what the heck was he doing?  He had a BROOM in his hands. Instead of covering the seeds on his hands and knees he got a kitchen broom to cover the seeds. How slick is that? It worked just perfect. Do you think he could get a million dollars for that invention? Just think of the guy that started the upside down tomato invention. Hmm. I will look into this!

Monday, April 25, 2011

The Last Twenty Years

I am sure most of you have heard the country western song called The Next Thirty Years.

Yesterday Fran and I were invited to some friends for Easter lunch along with friends and family that we had at our house.
After we finished eating the guys all disappeared to smoke, talk politics, and do what men usually talk about. I really don't want to know.

My friend and I ended up in the dining room moaning and groaning about how much we had eaten and wondered why we had done that.

Suddenly she asked me what had changed in my life in the last twenty years. Well what kind of question was that? It took me completely off guard. But then I started; I really started rambling. I had to laugh today though, because the two most important things were, getting married and quitting smoking I had not mentioned.

I would love to know what things have changed your life in the last twenty years...........

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Eww, Little Black Bugs!

Most of you know we have a large screened in porch. It collects junk, dirt, tools, boots, and on and on and on.
Tomorrow we are going to have a terrible storm and winds that are 45 MPH, so I thought I would sweep up the clumps of mud that have been tracked in.
I thought I would go to the part that Fran had done, like "fine tuning."
As I was doing the "do overs" there were all kinds of black bugs with white stripes on the top. I asked Fran what they could be and got the traditional shoulder shrug. Then he grinned and said that they probably were sunflower seeds. Isn't my life exciting  dull? Creepy sunflower seeds indeed.
Perhaps he should fill the bird feeders outside!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

I'll Pay You Tuesday

When some people retire they try to do mental puzzles to keep them alert and oriented. Hmm, well I do that, but it doesn’t seem to work a whole big bunch! So, I encourage my partner in life to join the “fun” things with me like trying to think of movie star names, lyrics to songs, and on and on it goes.

We watch Wheel of Fortune with word puzzles. We average about fifty percent. I vowed I would Never Ever watch that show because it was just for old people.

My attention span is also shot. I find myself reading the same sentence over and over before I finally “get” it. The television, the phone, and my husband get my attention before my book.

This morning, I don’t know why, I was trying to think of a little bitty guy on the cartoons with Popeye that had a big belly. I knew he always promised to pay for the hamburger he begged for another day. Finally between Fran and I we came up with not only his name (Wimpy) but what he said

“I’ll gladly pay you Tuesday for a Hamburger today.”

Do any of you folks remember this cute little guy?