He is going to have callouses on his thumbs. He is going up and down so fast there is no way he can read what the movie is all about.
I don't help matters any by saying,"I have no idea why you want to watch the news, it is the same old junk they have every day; politics and politics."
He says, "but I want to watch the weather."
I say, "but it is all over with, and you know it didn't rain or blow us away."
Oh, If I could drive I would go shopping the rest of the day. Nascar starts in three hours and it is way to hot for even a short walk.
Oh, well, I have a new cookbook that my daughter sent me, so I will read new recipies.
Wish me luck with the "surf and turf" hubby and his disgruntled attitude. Oh, listen I hear the cowboys and Indians on in the background! Nope, that is gone too now an old old movie. We will see how long that one lasts!