Then my mother wore aprons to keep her housedress clean, so she could tear it off when she heard a car on the gravel driveway. Good grief, no one should see her in an apron. Aprons were the first things that little girls learned how to sew; they were decorated with bias tape or rickrack.Organdy aprons were given to "waitresses" at weddings with the bride's colors on the pockets. I am sure they were thrown away shortly after the wedding. They seved no purpose whatsoever.
Most of you know, I worked in long term care facilities.for almost twenty years. All of us were always concerned about our folks's dignity.
Now I am concerned about my dignity. Fran and I have had a lot of company this summer which has been a lot of fun. Fran's daughter and my daughter have helped make and serve meals while they were here. Therefore, the work part for me was minimal. My hands shake a lot!
Last night I read a true story about two friends that took his father and mother across country on a trip that was expressly his father's last wish. He had terminal cancer, and his mother had alzheimers disease.
The author was explicit in details which made my reading her book a delight because it took me back in time.
When she got to meal time in the home she was told that the folks did not wear "bibs" they wore aprons. We never said "bibs" either, we called them clothing protectors.
This morning we went to a local craft shop and YES she made aprons. No more spill spots on my clothes. A lot less Shout to get my stains out. PLUS she puts a strips of cloth about 6" across that holds my hand towel. Well, I suppose you know my dignity is now up a notch or two. Thank you Unique Boutique Stockton, Mo. She even had an apron for my very favorite football team the K.C. Chiefs. Yay!!! I will always make sure my KC Chiefs apron is clean on Sundays.