It’s a good thing my husband isn’t perfect, because I definitely am not, however he will watch the same television show over and over. I often just zone the show out of my head and “wonder.” Like I wonder what the world would be like if the grass was red instead of green. I decided a long time ago that the moon was not made of cheese because when the astronauts came back they didn’t have any free samples.
I think it is a good thing that the sky is blue. I get all nervous when the sky turns green and when the clouds make the sky turn black. My children used to ask me why that was and I am sure I told them to ask their father. He must have given them a good answer because I was never asked again. Unless they figured that neither one of us knew.
Reruns on television let me do some writing and reminiscing in my mind.
Remember I told you that I worked for Berke’s Studio for several years after school and on Saturday’s. One day during the week Mike Berke asked me if I would like to do some house cleaning for June, his wife. She wasn’t feeling well and needed some help. She was a very nice lady, so I said yes. They lived outside of town a ways. When I got there I was told I just had one job that day. It was to clean the upstairs bedroom floor. It was hard wood but that should be fine. I was to mop it and wax it. I smiled to myself. What a snap this was going to be. I was shown where everything was. I finished the mopping and then I asked where the wax was. June handed me this little can of wax. It was paste wax! Oh my gosh it took me all day long to wax that floor. I was exhausted. The money I earned that day was certainly not worth it. They were very happy with my work, but when they asked if I would like to clean for them again, I was always busy.
Hmmm... that rerun habit --- I definitely do not have it; but Chuck does... can't tell you how many times he watches them... and he even watches black and white programs on the tv -- I never watch B&W -- that's the reason they came out with COLOR tvs! Ditto for movies -- can't endure B&W movies, even IF they are classics!