The thing I thought interesting, was that there was no commercials, however, the “movie” went from one subject to another with no lead up to the subject change.
I wasn’t always able to follow some of the movie. It seemed to trouble me so I found myself toss and turn as I searched for help in that respect.
I came to a conclusion that older people live in the past because they can. They also live in the present because they can. They don’t look to the future because they don’t know if they have one. I think that is not only for people, but for weather forecasters. There is no possible way that people, young or old can foresee what only mother nature knows. I get such a kick out of the weather. They have records that go back one hundred years in the past. They look out the window and give the forecast of today. They give the weather a week in advance. It just doesn’t happen. Our local weather guy said the other day that he was eighty five percent accurate. Fran and I both choked on our coffee and yelled, “WHAT????”
Well, I enjoyed my dream, yes, that’s what it was and I also enjoy good weather. I suppose I should be ever so thankful for the present and the future whatever it brings.
So let your loved ones live in the past or wherever they are comfortable. Don't try to change things that only God knows the forecast.
You are wrting up a storm! You go! Loved this!