Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Grudge, Grinch Syndrome

Oh, by the way I made that title up! Any way about a year before my husband and I got married we were hanging out one day in the kitchen. (His favorite place) He said that he needed a haircut. I told him the best place for him to get one would be to go to a barber or a beauty shop. Probably with a hint of sarcasm. Well I got exploded on and was told in no uncertain terms that he would never go to a beauty shop or a barber for that matter. Of course, curious mind that I have I “inquired” …and the reason for that is? I again got an explicit reply, “I went to a barber several years ago and he butchered my hair.” I replied, “Good grief. So one is bad that makes all of them bad?”
Cedar County

“I don’t care I am not going to a barber.” Then and there he wanted me to give him a hair cut. Well, darn the bad luck he liked the way his hair looked and I think he put the amendment in our marriage license. I couldn’t believe that he would carry a grudge that long. I asked him about a year ago why he wouldn’t go to a barber. He said, “why would I pay a barber, when you do it for free?” Hmm I thought I am going to remind him of this conversation when he buys an expensive tool.
Well, this morning as I once again was giving him a haircut, I grinned to myself because I have his full attention. He was not allowed to watch television. I got a little kiss and a big hug. I guess these little perks make up for the long lists of amendments to the license that is filed at the courthouse. Although the amendments are not visible to anyone else but us, they are still there. The picture above is exactly where it is filed.

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