Friday, September 24, 2010

Ceramic Cats And Grasshoppers


My Maggie May is my precious shitzu-poodle and many other varieties I am sure. She has personality plus and Fran and I think as Maggie’s adoptive parents, that she is probably the smartest dog that ever lived and the cutest.

She has snappy brown eyes and has a psychologist on retainer for her breakdowns every night at eight thirty. She races through the house and growls and barks and and and. Then all of a sudden she collapses and goes to sleep for the night.

Maggie has shown me the signs of cowardly behavior on many occasions. She will jump at most anything that is not something that does not happen on a daily basis. Grasshoppers are really little demons that are on her list of scary things even though there are a gazillion of them in our yard.

This morning I moved lawn ornaments from around a big oak tree to a bare spot by a big shrub. One of the ornaments was a ceramic cat with ivy in it’s middle. Sounds awful, but it is really cute. Maggie sees it every day several times a day. However, she has never seen it by the front steps. She was on her way up the steps and all of a sudden she jumped a foot and started barking and growling. Do you know how dogs do? They put their bottoms up in the air, spread their paws far apart to show their opponents just who is going to win the fight. Maggie weighs fifteen pounds, is white and gray and even if it was a brown ceramic would never ever win a fight with that cat. Maggie makes me laugh every single day. As days go by I am so glad we have her to love and laugh with. Yes “with” I really see her smile with us sometimes.

Grasshoppers and Ceramic Cats

My Maggie May is my precious shitzu-poodle and many other varieties I am sure. She has personality plus and Fran and I think as Maggie’s adoptive parents, that she is probably the smartest dog that ever lived and the cutest.

She has snappy brown eyes and has a psychologist on retainer for her breakdowns every night at eight thirty. She races through the house and growls and barks and and and. Then all of a sudden she collapses and goes to sleep for the night.

Maggie has shown me the signs of cowardly behavior on many occasions. She will jump at most anything that is not something that does not happen on a daily basis. Grasshoppers are really little demons that are on her list of scary things even though there are a gazillion of them in our yard.

This morning I moved lawn ornaments from around a big oak tree to a bare spot by a big shrub. One of the ornaments was a ceramic cat with ivy in it’s middle. Sounds awful, but it is really cute. Maggie sees it every day several times a day. However, she has never seen it by the front steps. She was on her way up the steps and all of a sudden she jumped a foot and started barking and growling. Do you know how dogs do? They put their bottoms up in the air, spread their paws far apart to show their opponents just who is going to win the fight. Maggie weighs fifteen pounds, is white and gray and even if it was a brown ceramic would never ever win a fight with that cat. Maggie makes me laugh every single day. As days go by I am so glad we have her to love and laugh with. Yes “with” I really see her smile with us sometimes

Monday, September 20, 2010

Awkiie Pooh!!!


About once a month I shop at Aldi’s ,a discount grocery store. You can save a bundle there. You have to bag your own groceries and often the brand name things are not found there.

About three weeks ago I bought a soft drink called cherry lime aide. I like cherry lime aide. I drank a bottle of it and it was good. The other bottle I put in the pantry.

This is the season that hummingbirds are preparing to go to Texas for the winter. So what you do for the nectar is make it strong with sugar so they will have enough strength to get there from Missouri. I quit buying the nectar at Walmart because it was just too expensive. I generally save the Walmart jug and put my own nectar in it. Well, yesterday I happened to think about that cherry lime aide and went to the pantry. I then filled my iced tea glass with the pretty stuff and oh my goodness, it was so sweet I couldn’t hardly stand it. Of course, I didn’t stop at one swallow. I had left the bottle on the kitchen counter. Fran needed something to take his pills with and he took a swig of it and dumped his down the sink. After three drinks of this swill I dumped mine down the sink.

This morning I was making more hummingbird “juice”. I decided to use a water bottle for the new stuff because I couldn‘t find the old one. For some reason I said to myself, “oh no!” I ran to tell Fran and he just shook his head and said, “Thanks a lot, now I am really sweet.” He really is sweet, but saying it out loud is not necessary.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

One More Miserable Thing

Can you believe it? Yup with everything else that has been going on around here, the lawn mower quit. Fran thought he would try to mow the lawn since he was feeling some better. After two days of letting it put and bang and with smoke coming out of it, he took it to the repair shop. That rider was only about four years old and it has been in the repair shop at least four or five times.

There is an alternative to mowing the lawn; a weedeater. I mean it, it works! Fran was not up to snuff (where did that expression come from?) Eww, I don’t want to think about it. So he was only able to work for short periods of time. I helped with moving things, pulling weeds and pruning roses. I only have two bleeding parts on my fingers and my arm to prove I helped.

We have a big porch that is screened in. Above the patio table is a ceiling fan that really helped to cool us down. The temperature was in the low seventies and the half hour that we worked made miracles in the yard. However, we have over an acre to mow, so I have a feeling we will have to beg, plead, and bribe someone to mow our lawn for us.

We have really good friends that will be back from vacation in a day or two and I have a feeling he will take one look at our yard and come right over to mow. God bless friends and family and on line friends.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Thank You So Much

I want to thank you all so much for your prayers, calls, and emails in support of Fran's surgery.
After yesterday's doctor visit we found out that there will be another surgery. However, we feel that if that will do the trick, that will be wonderful news. We again will have to wait, wait, wait again for the pathology report. It seems that is the worst part.
Once again, Fran and I want to thank you so much for  your phone calls and prayers.  Talk to you again in a week or two.!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Just A Phase

Fran is feeling much better, but there is a lot of recovery to be done to feel one hundred percent. That might take months, but he and I are willing to put that kind of energy into the time and effort to get him back to the way he was.

To those of you that don’t know Fran, he is easy going, generally finds humor in most things, and loves his ninety five year old mother, his two brothers and sister, six children and his grandchildren, and a great grandchild, and me. I almost forgot me!

This morning the neighbors invited us over for coffee and Fran said, “ok.” I was a little surprised, but happy. He walked in and said, “well are we going to play cards, or not? Everyone was pleased. The name of the game was Phase 10. Hmm, thus the title and a play on words? Keep sending us your prayers, please.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Taking Off For Awhile

My dear husband is going to have surgery this morning, so I think I will give my attention to him in case he needs some home care. However, sometimes men tend to “milk” these things for all it is worth. Lol No, I love him and will be able to see right through it if he does do that.

I will be back on blogging away if all is well. See you soon!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Kidnapped Chickens

Odd title do you say? Well you are absolutely right! It’s a dream I had last night. Okay first of all the light went out in our microwave yesterday. Very irritating however it did not affect the working ability of the thing.

M.S. struck me big time yesterday. I could hardly pick up my left foot. Several times I almost fell by kicking up a scatter rug. My thinking was not working at all. I thought several times about giving up and going for the shots. I have always been on the “no” side of the shot for fear of side effects. Well when you can’t even order your own medicine something has to change. I slept over four hours yesterday and still went to bed at nine o’clock. Well, getting to the title.

The Dream:

At times over the last fifteen years my medicine has given me bad dreams, but generally funny ones. This one has won the top award.

Enter stage right. Barbara Walters was getting married and I was going to “cover” the event with my camera and my journaling talent. Lol The limo was a huge Elvis style convertible. Pink by the way! The other thing that I was in charge of was keeping track of her flowers. I didn’t do that well at all. The flowers somehow flew out of my hands and got stuck on the back of the convertible and fell down on the street and got run over. Do any of you psychologists see the interesting similarities here?

Well, anyway Barbara fired me. The chicken that she had planned for her banquet was also missing because someone had kidnapped her chickens. I found out that she can be rather sharp tongued! She said I had to go through all the barns and sheds until I found all the chickens. I put up a bit of a fuss about that and she fired me again. I thought you know, I have never been fired from the same job twice so I quit! I got up this morning and laughed to myself about that silly dream. Every thing I dreamed had a meaning about my day yesterday except nobody kidnapped my chicken; we had ribs.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Falling In Love or Loving To Be Loved

I watched my husband loving me today. I wasn’t feeling just right this morning, so I laid down about an hour after I got up. Shortly after, he came over and covered me up and patted me with a pretense of looking out the window. He didn’t say anything, just went to his chair and sat down.

I didn’t get up until two hours later. Then I felt better and watched television for awhile.

His birthday was a few days ago. He had gotten a gift certificate from some friends for our favorite restaurant. He said, “do you want to go out for lunch?” We seldom go out for lunch. We generally have leftovers from the night before. So what is a girl to do but say, “Well of course!”

We went there and had our favorite meal of fried shrimp. We didn’t care if it wasn’t on our new diet. He has chosen Fridays as his “free” day.

Then we did our second best thing to do……Yes, yard saling!!! I bet you didn’t think that was a word. I told my best friend once, “if you think it’s a word, it is a word.”

Then my husband bought me something I have always wanted; a set of Christmas placemats. My mother-in-law loves it when my table is decorated for the holidays. It cost a whole dollar, but made me a week’s pay happy!

I can remember falling in love. That is the butterfly feeling and the sweaty palms that all happen the moment you see him. Sometimes it happens even if there is a hundred people in the room and you can’t see him; you can feel his presence.

Loving to be loved is a completely different feeling. It is warm, it is mellow, it is yummy, it is “I need a hug” feeling. It is making me laugh so unexpectedly I just laugh from my toes. It is being there with a soft shoulder I can cry on if I need to.

Being loved is being held tightly while dancing a slow dance so I won’t fall. Being loved is listening to my man sing to me. One day while I was on the computer in the other room I was listening to him and thought how special he was.

I hope that I can continue to make him feel loving to be loved forever and ever.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Just Me

Sometimes I think Fran married me just to entertain himself with my quirky little happenings. For instance, yesterday I had my handy little Swiffer that I had on backwards. It didn’t dust the ceiling fan very well and it certainly didn’t dust the louvered door well at all. So I thought I would open the door to the furnace and dust from the inside. Well, I couldn’t get it open. I pulled and pulled to no avail. So I said to Fran “What’s the matter with this door it won’t open?” He said to me, “ ‘cause it’s hard.” No dah!

The other day I thought we would have the Chinese stuff in a can. You know the two cans taped together? Ok, easy beans. The can opener got stuck because the tape had left some residue on the big can; then the little can had junk on it and spilled the gravy stuff. It would have been so much easier to fry a hamburger. I am not done yet. I served it to my darling husband first like a good wife is supposed to do. Then I served myself. I had a brand new, clean top on. We continued visiting while we ate, picked up the dishes and went to town. I looked down and I had dinner all over my front. I lamented the fact that I had spilled on my shirt. Fran said, “You get holes in your lip all the time!” That was one of the nicest things that he says. He usually laughs and says, “I just can’t take you anywhere can I?”
Another day another story about the love of my life!