Monday, September 20, 2010

Awkiie Pooh!!!


About once a month I shop at Aldi’s ,a discount grocery store. You can save a bundle there. You have to bag your own groceries and often the brand name things are not found there.

About three weeks ago I bought a soft drink called cherry lime aide. I like cherry lime aide. I drank a bottle of it and it was good. The other bottle I put in the pantry.

This is the season that hummingbirds are preparing to go to Texas for the winter. So what you do for the nectar is make it strong with sugar so they will have enough strength to get there from Missouri. I quit buying the nectar at Walmart because it was just too expensive. I generally save the Walmart jug and put my own nectar in it. Well, yesterday I happened to think about that cherry lime aide and went to the pantry. I then filled my iced tea glass with the pretty stuff and oh my goodness, it was so sweet I couldn’t hardly stand it. Of course, I didn’t stop at one swallow. I had left the bottle on the kitchen counter. Fran needed something to take his pills with and he took a swig of it and dumped his down the sink. After three drinks of this swill I dumped mine down the sink.

This morning I was making more hummingbird “juice”. I decided to use a water bottle for the new stuff because I couldn‘t find the old one. For some reason I said to myself, “oh no!” I ran to tell Fran and he just shook his head and said, “Thanks a lot, now I am really sweet.” He really is sweet, but saying it out loud is not necessary.


  1. Really sweet indeed!
    I don't like shopping at walmart very much. But they do have a few good deals.
