I have told you about my best friend several times. We have had more fun than any two friends usually do.
After we laughed ‘til we hurt, we decided to go further north about another thirty miles to shop some more. The weather seemed good so we went to this adorable boutique. Neither one of us had ever been to. We spent money like it was water. We loved the clothes and one on one service. When we got outside, it was raining. Really raining. Guess what? I forgot to roll up MY window. Carole told me it served me right. Needless to say we were both so wet and miserable we didn’t want to shop any more, but we did go out and eat so we could laugh and call the other one the most stupid which ended up being me.
This morning we needed to go grocery shopping and I got in with a happy heart which quickly turned to unhappy. We had four inches of rain last night and I had my window down; only a half inch, but with all that wind and rain that will do it. I had to get a grocery bag to sit on. The title of this is “ when will I ever learn.” I just don’t think so. I just wish my best friend would have been with me, I miss her teasing me when we go shopping.
Mom, that open window reminded you of such a fun time. I am glad for that.