Sunday, January 16, 2011

Can You Even Imagine?

Well, since 1955 I have watched television and didn't give a thought to how I was able to see the picture on the screen. I listened to my mama's little black radio since I was a baby and just expected to have music when Mom turned it on.
In 1974 I got my first microwave. Then I started to question how this could be done. My first hamburger was like a hockey puck. Then I started really reading the instruction book and enjoyed it. In the back of my mind I was still wondering how in the world not only did it work, but how the scientist was smart enough to invent it.
Well, time has gone by with cell phones, blackberries, and computers.
In 1974 the computer at Sears where I worked had it's own room and was many feet long. It needed cold air as well as clean air.
My whole family and I are avid readers. My mother and her brother and my brother and my daughter love to read and actually get lost in books. I remember getting caught with a book and a flashlight under the covers when I was supposed to be sleeping. If I remember right, my mother used my first, middle and last name that night.
This Christmas a Kindle came to visit at my house. The first one didn't work, but the second one sure did. Today I downloaded my first book. Fran and I, I might add could not understand how a person could download a book from the computer into the Kindle with no wires. Not only that but it took less than a minute!! I bet my daughter thought this may not work with the questions that I was asking. Fran was getting disgusted because I was not paying attention to the instructions. AND my hands shake because I have a Parkinson's like tremor that made it almost impossible to type on it. Then my daughter said the most important thing she could have said. "You don't really have to type on it Mom."
So this morning, I asked Amazon for a list of free books. They only had about 8600 of them. Wow, I hit the jackpot!  I chose the most boring of books, but I didn't care. It downloaded in less than a minute. Fran just sat there in amazement and so did I.
Oh, I so do wish that I could have given my mom a Kindle. She would have loved it. But then she would have needed a computer, which she also would have loved. We all could have "talked" to each other.
Thank you for the Kindle, Melanie!


  1. You're welcome! Let me know when you get all the free books read. Lol!

  2. let's see I should be 120+ years old or more. lol
