Sunday, June 26, 2011

Have You Ever Done Something Stupid?

And the answer to that question is  "of course,  I have." There isn't a person alive that has not  done something dumb. The next thing I want you to do is do a rerun in your mind, kind of like a video of the things that make you smile, make you grimace, make you angry and on you go with the memories of the dumb things you have done in your life.
Years ago I added the checks instead of subtracting them. I often slammed into doors that opened the opposite direction. I have written some of the crazy things in this blog. I have done my share. I have driven at crazy speed, I have had to much to drink, I have smoked to much.
But tonight you might not think what I did was stupid, but I do. It is a strict rule in my mind not to watch scary movies. It has been fifty two years since I watched a scary movie. I watched it with my oldest son. We were holding on to each other and yelling and right then I vowed, that my children and I did not need to watch what I called "crap."  The name of the movie was "Cujo" This movie I am sure, compared to the modern movies is nothing, but it was really scary to me, because it could have been real, not make believe junk.
Tonight I broke my promise to myself and watched a scary movie called War of the Worlds. I know, I know. Not scary, but to this old grandma, yup, it was. So once again, No more scary movies! I much prefer Chick Flicks and detective movies.

1 comment:

  1. You and I would not be able to go to the movies together, would we. Chick flicks are almost last on my list of movies to watch. Give me a good scary, not necessarily a gory, movie to watch and I am happy! :)
