Today I asked him if Poor Food was okay for supper. He hesitated then said, "Oh yeah that stuff you throw in with hamburger." I nodded and grinned.
As most moms or dads know when you are in a hurry, hamburger is a good base for most anything.
My poor food consists of nothing but browned hamburger and onions, a can of cream of mushroom soup and a bunch of cooked macaroni and a can or two of corn or frozen corn which my son likes the best.
Fran called me on the walkie talkie and asked if I would bring a can of cream of mushroom soup home with me from his mom's. No cream of mushroom soup to be had. So I made it like my mom used to make it. She made her own gravy, think of that?
I said, "No problem, I will make my own gravy." Then I chuckled and said, My mom would be proud of me." She had no store to run to and I doubt if they had canned mushroom soup in the forties. They may have, but that was a moot point, because she would have made her own without giving it a thought. That's just what you did.
I just chuckled while I was making it, thinking this is how I make sausage gravy, what is the big deal?
Anyway it was good, but we did miss the mushroom taste. Tomorrow I will take some with me for Marie. She will like it because I will add Beef Gravy from the jar that she likes.
The Next Morning:
My mom would not be proud of me! I used too much flour. It is not something I want to say I made last night! It would probably take a half gallon of milk to thin this mess. Marie is very fussy about her food being "wet" enough because of her swallowing difficulty. This gray looking glob will not cut it.
Fran needs to go to town today and can get some cream of mushroom soup while he is there. Maybe he should stop at the deli also.
She loved it! I mixed beef gravy with it. It turned out really good. Good save, Lu