Sunday, April 22, 2018

My Dogs Are Cowards!

I almost never post two posts a day, but I have to write this down. I have not laughed so hard in years. I am still laughing.
Well, as many of you know I have M.S. My health turned the corner for the best due to a med change a few months ago. I have been walking without a cane, I've been caring for my mother-in-law in her home. I am not asymptomatic, but I am so much better. I wrote a post on my blog called Marie's Memories the other day about her decades old sheet music and referred to her as an accomplished pianist. Well today I thought 'since I am so much better maybe I can play the piano again.' I brought a few pieces of her music home with me today. It was all taped together, but I was able to see the music so therefore, was playable.
I first of all, sat down and opened up some of my own music for the first time in many years probably about eight or nine. M.S. had done a number on my brain so that when I wanted to play a note my brain didn't send the signal to my hands. I was sad and after some time, I had just quit playing. I even had the piano up for sale, but it is 45 years old; no one wanted it.
We had gotten new furniture and needed the space where the piano had been for eleven years. Fran and my son moved it into the room where my computer is. It has just been sitting all these years.
I digress. I got out the music and ouch, the piano was so far out of tune that it was atrocious. I could play piano again! Not very well, but I could play. It is amazing that muscles that have not been used, even in your hands get tired and stiff. Okay, so then I got out Marie's music. Oh my goodness, I couldn't even begin to play the music that she had played over and over again for years. Her signature was to each piece; Marie Rose Aubin. (her maiden name.) Well, I put her music away because there was no way I could play it. I closed up the piano and went out to the kitchen where  Fran was fixing supper.
Maggie Mae
I noticed that Maggie wasn't sitting there watching him like she always does. I mentioned it to Fran. He looked down at the chicken he was frying and muttered, "She wanted outside, not just on the porch, but out in the rain. Bandit hid under the bed. He was scared to death." I am laughing so hard I can hardly type this. It was about an hour before both of them peered around the corner to make sure "that noise" was not going to kill them both. Fran said, "Well, that awful noise hurt their ears!" It was not my fault!!
Marie is deaf, so I told Fran, "fine I will practice at your mom's house she won't be able to hear the sour notes." He said, "yeah she would like that." And the bickering began again; Both of us laughing. It was a good feeling. Laughter really is the best medicine along with two cute dogs and a husband that can laugh with me.

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