It seems from the time I was old enough to make complete sentences, I have put my foot in my mouth. I can remember a time when I hurt someone's feelings when I was a teenager. I apologized and apologized, but I could see the hurt in her eyes. I vowed then and there that I would think before I spoke. I have such trouble doing that. However, as I got older, I got wiser. I got slower to react to situations. Once in a great while, I did speak before I thought. I would not have made a very good attorney, because I do not research my arguments before I make my speech.
When I was the mother of teens I did do a lot of talking, but found it fell on deaf ears at times. Hmm. Well, things seemed to settle down.
I started writing blogs and that is a great place to say what you think. You can read what you write and delete what you think doesn't sound just right. You just cannot do that in real life situations.
Yesterday, just a few days before my seventy fourth birthday I did it again. I did it big time!! This time there were witnesses to my speedy mouth. Fran said that we were going out to eat. I had not been out to eat for almost six months. I am just not comfortable having Fran and I both out on the road at the same time. Fran invited my son so the three of us headed to the cafe. As we went down the gravel road I told Fran that I wanted to stop at the new flea market that was opening up. I had been watching the people start putting things outside. They had also started putting up bedding plant flowers. I had always thought that a little store like that would be a great addition to our area.
When we were about home, I reminded Fran to stop. When we pulled in the lady was getting ready to leave. I asked her if they were closed. She looked at me strangely and so I asked her again, only this time I asked her if they would be open today since it was Mother's Day. She started laughing and by that time her husband was out by our truck and he started laughing too. You guessed it, it was not a store!! She said, "Would you like to come inside, I'll show you around." I looked at the guys and said that of course, we would love too.
Take a look at these pictures and see what you think. This is what you see from the road. And inside, you would not believe what they did in just three short weeks. They own the house that is next to this building. They have a large family and knew that the owner of this building was not leasing it or running a business out of it anymore.
If she said once, she said a dozen times. "I get stuff for free, then I paint it and make use of it." I should have asked if I could take pictures of the inside, but I didn't think of it. It was just gorgeous inside. She made a kitchen counter out of an old door and put a double sink in it. She painted her boss's old work bench and made a beautiful wall hanging out of it. You may recognize the wheels, they are ends of wire or cable spindles that she has painted. Inside she used the complete spindle for a table that was upholstered in wild colors. They had a huge dining room table and chairs. She made a bed out of branches and twigs! Yes she did. She said, "I've never done anything like this before." She made her grandchildren bunk beds out of cedar logs and has their bedrooms decorated perfectly for children. She has sleeping room for twenty people in that metal building. And the hanging fireplaces!! Oh, my goodness she got them on clearance for $99.00.
This time no one got mad at me, no one looked shocked for more than a minute or two and we all laughed and had an excellent time. This time my speaking before thinking may have earned me a new friend or two.
On the way home Fran said that her husband said he would have thrown everything away that his wife saved and made use of. She is creative that's for sure!