Saturday, July 7, 2018

Charlie, Minus Five Hours

Charles Aubin is my mother-in-law's 86 year old brother. Charlie or Uncle Charlie as most call him, is handsome, white haired, story telling, skier, hunter, good humored, and easy going, but most of all a friend to most.
He literally came tripping in the front door the day before Marie's birthday and said, "Hey, did you miss me?" He gave me a warm hug and said, "Thank you so much for taking care of my sister. I know with a certainty that you will go to Heaven for being so caring and kind." 
The first afternoon
I returned with a quip, "I'm sure I am paying for all of my past sins." Everyone that had arrived before Charles laughed with a certainty that I was probably telling the truth. After a variety of back slapping, hugging and asking by name how each one of Marie's/his family members were, he went in to see Marie. She was unable to speak and did not give any sign that she recognized him. He tried and did all of the right tricks to no avail. He said, "That's ok, I'll try again after while." And now as Paul Harvey used to say on his radio show, "Here is the rest of the story."
Orion and Jesse
He immediately asked me if there was anything that he could do to help me. I said, "Yes, you talk to your family they are on the porch listening to Marie's grandson, Chuck, play guitar and sing." He grabbed a bottle of water and out he went to a welcoming group of family and there I thought he would stay.
Within the hour he came in and said again, "What can I do to help?" I again told him that I had it covered because we were just having hamburgers on the grill and chips etc. He accepted that and went back to his family.
Grandchildren and great grandchildren and finally Rhonda and her husband Brian arrived with Marie's two great great grandsons.
They had taken this week as a vacation week and meandered towards our house at a leisurely pace because it was a vacation. They had fun at the lake and got nice and sunburned! The main subject they conveyed was that their car air conditioner quit on the way here. I couldn't imagine being without air with two little boys and 90+ degree temperature. We had a great time. I went home because I was going to get up really early the next morning to start a turkey to add to the brisket that Marie's son, Roger was going to start on the smoker at midnight. This birthday was a big deal.
Later in the evening Rhonda called and said that their car had completely broke down and needed a mechanic. That will be part 2 of this post.
The next morning Fran accused me of waking the dead just because I dropped a great big roaster on the floor. I didn't wake the dead, but poor Charlie stumbled out of his room wanting to know if everything was okay. I assured him it was and was so sorry for waking him, but since he was awake.........
Charles Aubin
The poor man did dishes 7 times while I was baking and cooking. He stirred, he tasted, he added, he let me know if "it" needed something. He floured my bread board, he empties bag after bag of garbage. He fixed extension cords, he found serving spoons I didn't know existed at Marie's house. While doing all these things for me, he visited with Marie, he laughed with his nephews, and Marie's great grandchildren as well as her great greats. He enjoyed and knew a little bit about all of his sister's family. It was amazing for me to watch. He was constantly on the move going from group to group, eating and laughing and reminiscing about everything you could imagine. In most of these activities he had a-fixed to his hand a constant cup of hot tea. He packs tea bags in his duffel bag probably knowing I don't drink the stuff!
 I have made an executive decision and have decided that I am going to write a couple more posts about him on Lu's Place. He was a part of my life this weekend that I shall not soon forget. He even taught me how to pack and repack a small refrigerator to fit the proverbial ten pounds of stuff into a five pound bag ie. refrigerator.
I was snoring away last night while he was out on our patio with his extended family listening to Chuck Boudreau play guitar and sing as well as the beautiful "canary" sing which is Chuck's daughter, Emily.
 His eyes were sparkling when he said this morning, "did you hear the music last night?" He knew darn well I was sound asleep.
I am now looking at the clock realizing that Charlie's plane landed only a few hours ago in Texas. Marie's house is silent, but oh how the memories of Charles Aubin ring loud and true, never to be forgotten by this lady this evening.
Soon I will be posting about Charlie's part in
Project Rhonda and Brian's Car Dilemma!

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