First of all I don’t buy those books. Second of all I choose to let only my closest friends and family members know that I am dumb, not the clerks at the store. I have touched one of those Computers for Dummies books at the store and I saw, out of the corner of my eye a customer look at me with “that look.” That look made me feel the same way I felt when I was called to the front of the class to demonstrate a long division problem and I couldn’t do it. That look made me feel the same way when I thought that “litigates” was the last name of people that were going to court. That was probably THE most embarrassing moment! Can you even imagine how NOT dumb the guy is that started writing the Dumb books? Oh yeah I sure wish I had been that dumb!
Well, on with this morning. I have told you about the local flea market and even showed you pictures of the crowd. Today we bought several bales of hay, a scooper for ice cream that will NEVER bend or break and the buy of the century, a cast iron skillet. I used to have a little one and a great big one. When I got sick I couldn’t lift the big one, so I sold it. The little one just disappeared some how. The last year I have wanted another skillet so bad, but they are very expensive. This is catfish country and fried chicken is a staple in most weekly diets; there is nothing better to fry these two things in than a 15” cast iron skillet. Of course, since I found it at a flea market, it had been seasoned, so it was ready to go. Seasoned means it has been preheated and oiled. If you don’t do that the food sticks and just doesn’t cook well at all.
Well to make a short story extremely long, I didn’t feel like taking a picture of my skillet, so I got one from the computer, well, right above it for $14.95 was a “Cooking With Cast Iron Skillets for Dummies” book. And another thing, I bought my “new skillet” for $10.00 after some haggling which is really fun by the way, and Amazon wanted $48.95. I didn’t check shipping, can you imagine?
I am so excited to try out my new pan, that after we go to the lake and take some pictures of our gorgeous leaves for tomorrow’s story, I just might make my man some catfish! Talk to you tomorrow.
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