We live in a subdivision of a small town about five miles from the square. To city people “the square” is difficult to take directions from, because the little town really has no square. It was blown down with the help of a tornado about five years ago. It does have four way stop signs, not even lights, but signs do the trick.
In our subdivision there are no fences except for blackberries to crawl up or cucumbers, whatever the season. The yards are sprawling and large. There are a lot of shrubs like ours that are used for boundary lines but most of all color. Rose of Sharon, Forsythia and a sundry of other bushes are used. The tall grasses are planted for corner beauty and lots of large rocks. From our porch we can see rose bushes and the large grasses and small and large bushes. It is so pleasing to the eye. Some people call that eye candy. But as the title implies there has to be transportation. Fran has a great big pickup. I have a little bitty car, but most important, Fran has a riding lawn mower. All the people that live in this area have riding lawn mowers. All the people that live in this area call their mowers their “Little Cars” That was the first thing I learned. You don’t walk anywhere (retirement community) you take your “little car.”
Fran and I have had discussions about the sedentary life that we live and the need for more exercise so what I thought that I would need to do is to put opportunity in front of us and to actually hear it knocking. I found it!
We went to my rental house a few miles away and much to my chagrin, I found it needed a lot of repairs. Repairs that on my walk through I did not see. Repairs that good old Fran had to do. The weather was wonderful, sunshine, albeit a bit breezy. It was a little difficult to handle yards and yards of plastic to wrap the back porch, but he did a good job. When the renter suggested that they could do it, his eyes just lit up. He put on new locks and door knobs and tomorrow he will finish doing things that are too heavy for me to do. However, he is riding his “Little Car” today with a big grin on his face. Today is his day to have fun.
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