Friday, February 25, 2011


This has been a crazy year. We had tornadoes on New Year's Eve. Yesterday there were tornado watches in northern Arkansas. Two weeks ago our temperatures were in the seventies and the robins were hopping and trying to peck for worms all over the yard.
The other day Fran moved the swing out into the yard and fixed the top on it. Today he came in and asked if I would go outside and help him move the boats. I went out as he asked.  The tires on the boat trailer were stuck in the mud from all the melted snow. He kept reminding me that the trick of backing the pickup to the boat trailer had to be done perfectly; over and over and over. I wanted to scream at him, but I kept my cool and if I do say so I did it perfect. I think Fran was even surprised.
The phone was ringing so I came back inside then I heard it. There was a very loud noise outside. I knew it was not the snowblower for one thing, we had no snow for another thing, it was put away in the shed. It could not be the riding lawn mower because we had no grass. My youngest son was here so I thought maybe he was riding his three wheeler.
After a bit, Fran came in the house for supper and I asked him what the loud noise was outside. Just matter of factly said, "Well it was the tiller."
No!  The garden was full of mud. Remember the tires stuck in the mud?
Just so you  know, in my opinion it is too early, but my brother and I do have a bet who can raise the earliest tomato, so maybe dear husband has the best idea, get the weeds out early.

1 comment:

  1. If he wants to start yardwork, feel free to send him to my house!
    We just had snow this weekend, but it's all gone now. So the yard is nice and muddy for him.
