Today at our house, Spring Fever was repairing the top on our patio swing. It is almost seven years old. It has gone through near tornados, winter wind storms, torrential rains. We repaired with duct tape which is supposed to be a cure all for everything. Well it wasn't. Then last year we used some strapping tape. By the time it was September, the top was in shreds.
Well, today, Fran decided he was completely capable of sewing a new top for it out of an old sheet. Actually the sheet matched. I told him it really needed to be canvas, but he said this was cheaper. I threaded the machine for him and then I told him he was on his own. I made a batch of bread, did two loads of laundry and learned new words that were coming out of the sewing room. The problem was that he continued to break needles. He said the needles were too little. What ever the reason, he did get the top put together. It looked a little odd, but we stapled the corners together and we now have a cute little top for our swing. What a man!!!
This project DEFINITELY deserves a PHOTO... we are all waiting ...