The other day the sun was shining and I was full of energy and had thoughts of spring. The day had arrived for me to clean the front porch which is now MY room. It is there that I scrapbook, sew, and do all kinds of little “Lu” things. It over looks the front yard which is generally pretty except when the boats are parked out there and my son’s old pickup etc. I love to watch Alex, Fran’s Sheltie, chase squirrels and the neighbor ladies walk their dogs. It is a pretty room with family pictures on the walls, antique furniture etc. One new thing is a cupboard in the corner that Fran bought me when I moved in to hold what he called, “your junk.”
I attacked the cupboard and found things I thought I had lost, but had not looked for. That is classified as good junk. Unlike my daughter, the organizational guru, I just like to be able to put my arm in a cupboard and not have something sharp and heavy fall on it .I just hate to say words that I shouldn’t.
That day I was so proud of myself, I straightened everything so that I could actually see all of my photo albums and picture frames, yard goods and containers of buttons, zippers, and spools of thread. In the back of the cupboard was a box that had loose photos in it and a photo frame that held a conglomeration of photos from a summer long ago. I sat and looked at it with some sadness as well as silent smiles. I took the box out to the living room because I could tell that there were things underneath that frame that I needed to look at. I took things out, looked at things and then I found it; a treasure that I had kept for thirty seven years. I decided that it would be something that you would all like to look at too.
My daughter started getting awards at the tender age of four. Now, all moms should keep treasures like this, don’t you think? I am sure you all have such treasures as this. It is now back in it’s box where it will be forever and ever. It is definitely not junk, it is a keepsake.
I will always remember that day. They dressed her in a cute little hospital gown. She went with the nurse willingly, however, she held on tight around her neck with one arm and waved to me with the other. Her little lip wavered a bit, but she was very brave. Her mother not so much.