Last year I started seeing a new neurologist. He was well known for his expertise, plus he was close to home. He told me I could no longer have my rum and cokes that I like on Friday nights. He said that the liquor and my medicine was a bad combo for my liver. I told him sometimes I just had one, he said he didn’t care it could be lethal. Well, I am determined to keep a careful eye out for my children and grandchildren, but especially my new husband, for a long time, so I decided to have a soft drink instead of my rum and coke.
My new doctor also said that he thought I should quit smoking. That was something that was not negotiable. I had smoked for years and that was that. The day that I started to smoke I promised myself that if I got a smoker’s hack, I would quit. I developed a hack. So I quit smoking. It has not been easy. I have a seizure disorder that gets worse without nicotine, so it has been a struggle, but as of this morning, I feel great with no little seizures. Unlike most people that quit smoking I wanted nothing to do with food. Most people tell me that they gain weight because they snack in the place of having a cigarette. After about a week without a cigarette the munchies hit and they hit with a vengeance. I gained about seven pounds. Something had to be done. My youngest son brought home some paperwork that was connected with a gym and his work. He said, “I’m sure you won’t be interested.” I told him that he was wrong, I was very interested.
I emailed my daughter and told her that I thought I would join a gym. She called that evening and wanted to know what I had done with her mother! Yesterday I went to the gym and discovered that it will be fun to be involved with the gym, but that I was so out of shape that I could only walk on the treadmill for five minutes and ride the bike for about three minutes. I am making a solemn promise that in three months I will be able to give you a good report on the walking and biking.
Oh, by the way, the hack is already gone and it has been not quite three weeks of being smoke free. And Melanie, your mother is still here a little bigger, but better than ever.
Congratulations, Lu!! We are so happy about your success, and I am absolutely thrilled you did not require the same motivation that I did! Join a gym - hmmm - I think I'll stick with golf. :-)