Monday, January 25, 2010

Don't Take This Medicine If........................

Don’t take this medication if you are pregnant, or if you are planning on becoming pregnant. Don’t take this medicine if you are taking this medicine and that medicine. This medication could cause you to have a swollen tongue and choking symptoms. Side effects may cause you to have hives and constipation and diarrhea (that’s interesting). This medicine should not be taken if you have liver disease (some people don’t know). Don’t take this medicine if you have kidney disease (do you know?) This medication could cause respiratory failure, this one could cause heart attacks, and stroke. This medication has been known to cause depression and thoughts of suicide. This medication can cause low blood pressure and could cause blood clots and internal bleeding. This medication could be fatal.

I think this list is just a tiny tiny part of what we hear on television when companies are advertising medication.

These ads scare me to tell you the truth. How can a doctor possibly know which medicines could be a death warrant to you. One might just be the last straw and will be deadly to you and no one else.

Once my doctor gave me a statin and it made me swell up something fierce. I could barely get my shoes on. Sure enough he looked it up on his computer, it could cause swelling. Should he have done that before he gave it to me, or maybe it doesn’t do that to the majority of people. I don’t know.

One thing that I hear on television that makes me shake my head is a declaration that people that have taken brand xyz medication may have developed xxyyzz or may have developed a fatal disease from taking it, to contact telephone number 1234566. In just a few minutes I swear there was an ad for the same medication. And besides that, if you are dead you just cannot make that call!!!

One thing I do know for sure, don’t take medication from one of your friends or family members and go to your regular physician for a renewal or for a new prescription.

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