Saturday, January 2, 2010

I Resolve.......

I don’t want anyone to hear what I am going to resolve for the year of 2010. The reason why is I don’t know if I can keep those resolutions. Silently, oh so silently I tell myself that I will do better. I will clean out dresser drawers, I will clean out under the cupboards, I will clean the refrigerator at least every two weeks, I will pitch and throw etc. etc.

One thing I will do is knock down cobwebs and have Fran do things that he doesn’t want to do. Fran has to vacuum and he needs to do it more often. He just needs reminded that’s all.

We need to do a better job of yard work. I can help more. I just have to get started in the morning before it gets hot.

I would really like to make resolutions for Fran, but he probably wouldn’t go for that.

I really had the cleaning bug this morning as I was using my swiffer I thought that if I did this every other day it wouldn’t take as long. The whole thing is I hate to clean a clean house. A dirty house shows me what I have accomplished.

Well, last year I quit smoking and this year I will continue to not smoke. After almost fifty years that was really cool, don’t you think? The quitting though has left my hands with nothing to do except what I call grazing. Fran and I both wander through the house and eventually end up at the fridge or the cupboard where the snacks are. Silently, yes for sure I hope so the grazing has got to if not quit, slow down!

My daughter has a blog where she has posted a list of 100 goals for 2010. She has set herself with a 75% accomplishment of getting them done. She published her goals so everyone can see, mine are quiet so no one can hear!


  1. Congrats on not smoking. I know how hard that can be. Greg quit 8 years ago about this time and hasn't smoked since (to my knowledge) It was NOT fun, but I glad he did, and I know you can keep not smoking, too. Maybe you iwll have to take up crochet or something like that to pass the time ; )

  2. I would love to Julie, but Mom tried and tried to teach me and I got so nervous that the yarn or thread got so tight onn the hook you couldn't even get it off! so I guess I will just keep writing stories. I just love doing it. At some point though I may run out of things to write about.
