Friday, January 22, 2010

The Streaker!

Giving my four year old a bath was a job that I never looked forward to. My little guy and water were like oil and water, they just didn’t mix. After he was in the tub for awhile, however, he didn’t want to get out and fought me tooth and nail when he saw me get the towels out.

My little guy was also full of pranks and loved to tease me. His blue eyes just sparkled with fun and future pranks to be seen.

Of course, like all moms know little ones are slippery when you get them out of the tub. This one particular day I did get him all dried off and his clothes laid out ready for a new day. I went to the bathroom to get him and he was gone. I ran downstairs and he was not there. I looked outside and naked as a jay bird he was running down the sidewalk as fast as he could go and looking back at me and laughing his little head off at the joke he had played on his mama.

We had just moved to the city and I am sure that the neighbors thought I was a terrible mother. But what are you going to do? Just hope for a better day and say to yourself, someday I will think this is funny. “Some” day has arrived, I am smiling as I think of my little streaker.


  1. I always gave my kids baths in the kitchen sink, just so much more convenient I guess but they were trying times. We laughed so much back then. I love these memories......

  2. That is funny! I've had a few times where my kids have run off but never naked!

  3. This made me laugh. Our new neighbors in Cheyenne first met Patrick when he was about three, starkers, standing on his window sill, waving to them while they ate in their dining room.

  4. How funny, they say that kids say the darndest things, but they really do the darndest things!!
