Tuesday, July 24, 2012

The Weekly Reader Is No Longer

I saw on the news and read on the computer news something that made me feel so old; not that my friends and relatives have just turned eighty. No, that is nothing. The Weekly Reader is no longer being published. I couldn't believe my ears.
To me the Weekly Reader was to my "library" as flour and sugar is to my cupboards now.
The Weekly Reader made me feel so grownup. It was my very own newspaper. I think it was only four pages maybe more. That was a very long time ago.
How many of you remember reading the Weekly Reader?
I just looked it up on the computer. It is now printed for all different grades. The picture you see at the top is for Pre-K. That makes me chuckle. When I was in school, you were either in or you were out. Oh, I forgot we didn't know how to read either. However, we had to tie our shoes (no velcro) and we had to say our ABC's.
Sigh, I know that things change, but I had a youngin tell me today that he understood that OLDER people had trouble with change. Ahem, yup we do, just don't tell me!

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