Saturday, November 10, 2012

Doggie Preschool


Fran and I have done something this last week neither one of us ever dreamed we would do. We adopted ANOTHER dog.
Our little Maggie was also unexpected, but after three years we have gotten used to the temper tantrums, the sad looks that make us feel so guilty (planned on her part) etc.
We went to a flea market the other day and saw the most woebegone dog I have ever seen. He looked like a sheltie, had long fur that just glistened and great big brown eyes. The sign said FREE. We talked and talked and told the man we might be back but we doubted it.
However, we did go back into town and picked him up. He was scared to death. I don't blame him. He felt all of the proverbial orphan.
Fran took him outside and he marked his places over and over.
Well, Maggie's worst nightmare had just begun.
She barked and snapped at him like I had never seen her do before. He, of course, wanted all of her bones and toys even though we had gotten him his own.
And......the race was on!!!
Most people can't or won't believe this, but we got another dog because we were bored with our hum drum life. lol


After just a few days we have developed a schedule of Doggie Preschool. The part of the school day they like best is Recess. They even know the word "out" that means recess. They both race to the door at the same time. The "Kids" huff and puff as do I to keep with them.  Fran takes one door and I take another.

Now we have another problem, smaller than the first, but Maggie has developed a poor self esteem. She is not standing up for herself, so we have to be the disciplinarians to the new big brother.

Oh, Joy, to the life of being new doggie parents!

1 comment:

  1. I finally get to see him! Very cute. :-) That's a great picture of Maggie, too. If you two wanted to run a preschool, you should have let me know a few years ago. :-)
