Saturday, September 10, 2011

The Renter

I am sure that those of you that have had children may have heard phrases like, "I didn't do it, she did it!"
When you had children, you stubbed your toe, remember? The chair had not been put under the kitchen table like it was supposed to be. It was one of the children's fault, or "they."
Then the children grew up. There was no one to blame. Oh wait....yes there was..the spouse. Ha Ha. How easy is that?
Yesterday I asked Fran if he had rented out the front bedroom. He looked at me like I had lost my mind. He said,"Whaaaaaaat???" Well, that has been carrying on for two days now. I think that we are starting to realize that we may have been blaming the children all of those years for things we  did may have done ,but probably not.
Fran is really getting into the game today so now it is called a two way street. Until now I was the leader of this little game!

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