Sunday, April 3, 2011

Eww, Little Black Bugs!

Most of you know we have a large screened in porch. It collects junk, dirt, tools, boots, and on and on and on.
Tomorrow we are going to have a terrible storm and winds that are 45 MPH, so I thought I would sweep up the clumps of mud that have been tracked in.
I thought I would go to the part that Fran had done, like "fine tuning."
As I was doing the "do overs" there were all kinds of black bugs with white stripes on the top. I asked Fran what they could be and got the traditional shoulder shrug. Then he grinned and said that they probably were sunflower seeds. Isn't my life exciting  dull? Creepy sunflower seeds indeed.
Perhaps he should fill the bird feeders outside!


  1. LOL...How have you beeeeen??? Busy here but had a moment to post and blog stalk! Three more weeks b4 school is out and hopefully things will settle down. Have a great great weekend!

  2. Thanks, Tam. I have been so busy too that I haven't had time to talk on the phone let alone write on my blog. Thanks for stopping by though. I did stop by yesterday to see what was going on in your world. Hmm a move huh. wish you Luck!!!
