Friday, February 27, 2009

Remember When.....

Remember when you were working and got up every morning at six without an alarm clock?
Now you get up at four or nine or whenever with no alarm clock in the house.
Remember when you took at least one shower a day
Now you really don’t care if you take one or two a week, who’s going to smell you?
Remember when you were a size six with no diet or exercise?
Now we are a comfortable size and who cares what size you are as long as you feel good.
Remember when you didn’t wear glasses?
Now you have to have cataract surgery to get your license.
Remember when you wore cute little baby doll pajamas.
Now flannel is in, bright red slipper socks so you don’t fall, and the finishing touch is a maroon hooded sweatshirt ‘cause you’re chilly.
Remember when you bounced out of bed, had a quick shower, a really quick cup of coffee and hit the road.
Now you get out of bed slowly, slightly bent, make the coffee, drink it all morning, ‘cause you have so much medicine to take it takes a full pot. No road to hit, just the couch.
Remember when you didn’t cough and sneeze in the morning?
Now we cough, blow our noses and barely talk in the morning.
Remember when you didn’t go to the doctor but every five years?
Now you have to have scheduled appointments or you don’t get your medicine scripts renewed.
Remember when you could go out all night, get home at five, take a shower and go to work?
Now if we go out and get home at one o’clock in the morning, it is a two day rehab.
Remember when you were really young, you talked to your girlfriends every night to gossip?
Now we talk to each other just to see if we’re alive.
Remember when you went to movies with your boyfriend?
Now we watch movies on television and fall asleep during the commercials.
Remember when we asked our parents for an allowance raise?
Now we watch the news and wonder if our social security checks will be any good.
Remember when we were kids and swore that we would be better parents than they were?
Now we have kids that are rebels and won’t speak to us.
Remember when we went to the five and dime store?
Now we go to the ten and twenty store.
Remember when we cussed “little ol’ ladies” for going to slow?
Now we are the “little ol’ ladies.”
Remember when we went to bed, we didn’t lock the doors?
Now we have dead bolts and triple locks on the doors.
Remember when our mothers taught us to be ladies?
Now we wear jeans, cross our legs like a man and also talk like one.
Remember when we had kids at home and made them do their chores?
Now we have husbands that have “honey do” lists that we make them do. Same difference the chores never got done and neither do the “honey do” lists.
Remember when a medicine chest held perfume and shaving cream and possibly a lonely bottle of aspirin?
Now there are three cupboards with ear drops, eye drops, a variety of creams, vitamins, fish oils, arthritis this and that and oh, the medicine for what ails you.
Remember when you could remember?
Now it is a rule in our house that whoever gets to the computer first x’s out the day on the calendar or we don’t remember what day it is.
Remembering is an art, that more people should do on a regular basis because not only does it keep your mind sharp, but it makes us laugh at ourselves
Some people say “An apple a day keeps the doctor away, but I say laughter is the best medicine. It may not keep the doctor away, but I can at least laugh when I get the bill, because Medicare paid it!!

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