Friday, February 12, 2010

The Wii Strikes Again!

We generally play the power bowling on the Wii that we got for Christmas every day. We have had some difficulty that is associated with older people that are obsessed with something. We were playing thirty or forty games a day if not more. We yelled at each other and laughed and had a ball. I got tendonitis from playing so much, so I had to slow down.

If you have followed my posts you are aware that I did not have the safety strap on and took a big swing and let loose of the remote and it flew up about ten feet, knocked a picture off the shelf and fell down on the entertainment center. Fran gave me a gentle reminder to wear the strap. Ever after I have done that.

When I swing at the pins I go way back with my arm and then do a mighty swing forwards for a ear shattering  pin action. (I do have the record of 697). Any way today I was not doing well, so I went way back with the remote doing my best to knock those pins down, when all of a sudden I felt like I had hit a brick wall with my hand. Fran let out a yelp. I looked back and to my amusement there he sat with his ball cap completely cocked to the side and his brand new glasses askew. I laughed until I cried. I am still laughing as I write this. You have to understand I actually hurt him. He looked like he had tears in his eyes. His glasses are brand new and just a tad bit bent. (sigh) Actually he said this was all my fault because he had stooped over to get Maggie her ball. Hmm I think that someone’s priorities are all messed up.

1 comment:

  1. Bowling is my Fave and the only thing I play on WII. Have a great Valentine Weekend!
