Friday, October 29, 2010


You know, the older I get the more forgetful I seem to be. I worked in long term care for almost twenty years and was always told memory problems were caused by an ailment not by old age. I believed that for all those years and still do for certain things. Alzheimer’s Disease causes forgetfulness and so do other diseases.

Not a single soul ever, ever told me that for each program on the computer you could use the same password. So for years I have come up with these cutzie little passwords for each program. So, as far as I can think back, I have asked about six different programs to reset my password. Then I have asked about four of them to reset them again. Then I have gone without using one program for a month because I was embarrassed to ask again. As I was sitting here typing I happened to look to my left and there on an old notebook it said “the name of the program and the password.” I just could not believe it! I could have swore that I looked in that notebook because it has all kinds of programs and passwords. In the future this will not happen again. I see no reason why all my programs cannot have the same password. You have to understand that I am not computer savvy or use it for much more than emails and my stories. I am not worried about someone hacking into it. I will miss my cute little passwords though. If anyone knows why I should not do this, please let me know.


  1. My "notebook" has 104 entries, Sis. Urrr!! My company has finally seen the light though and standardized a password "syncing" program that solves a huge problem. No cutsie passwords though - long non-scensical strings with numbers, special characters, caps, lowercase - Ahhhhhrrrrrrr!!!!

  2. Girl I have a little notebook next to my desk with passwords...LOL The other day I got locked out of my checking account because we had to update a new password with at least 6 letters, one number and a special character...I will never remember it...LOL LOL LOL
