Wednesday, May 23, 2018

The Faces Of "B"

I have known this lady for years and years. Lost touch with her for years and years. Liked her for years and years. Then along came Facebook; there she was. My dear friend, Mrs. B.
My beautiful friend, Mrs. B
In long term care, they always used to say, "you have to wear many different hats." I think that goes to say for most of us. Some of us have spouses, some do not. Some have out of home careers, some do not. Some have children some do not. On and on it goes. Some of us have sadness come to us in our lifetimes, some do not. I've always wondered about that theory.  You  don't always know what goes on behind happy faces and how many tears are shed in the shower.
Then there are some people who are so talented! Some  I want to be creative and have to read a book or go on line to profess artistic and culinary talents. My friend, Mrs. B has a creative streak that shows in her career (hair dresser). It shows in her home decorating, also in her gardens as well as her cooking and baking. It also shows in the way she cares for her children (three sons) her granddaughter, Marlee, as well as her extended family of step grandchildren and even some step great grandsons. She has two sisters and one brother Everyone that knows her or has her as a family member including her siblings, in my opinion, would be blanketed with love. The love shows itself in many different ways. She has been a member of the Red Cross and has given tirelessly to others on the spot and in many different ways. I see her on Facebook telling folks that someone has had a fire and lists the things that the family needs. It goes on.
Red Cross Volunteer since 2008
 She had a beauty shop in a small town where I used to live. My best friend and I would take up the whole afternoon sometimes and get "the works". Oh we had so much fun. Steel Magnolia had nothing over Country Clippers. You had a problem you talked it over and ended up laughing on your way out the door. Simply put she was a hairdresser with a bartender attitude. She would listen to your sad, your glad, and your everyday chatter with a little home town gossip thrown in for good measure
Country Clippers!
Mrs. B and her three sons!
. Usually on the way out you would thank her for the coffee or the treat that she inevitably offered you. Country Clippers was decorated for every season there was, plus once in awhile she put a season of her own in her big bay window just for good measure..
Well I'm not here to ring any bells for Mrs. B I am here to tell the story of the Fairy Garden that she started years and years ago. She said she has always been fascinated by the little fairy tale people and started putting them around a fountain that she had. Then
the little people started migrating to her flower gardens. At this particular time her little granddaughter, Marlee, is discovering treasures that Grandma B has made sure that she will find to help fill up her treasure chest. I believe it has at this point grown into a Treasure Bucket!


  1. And she lets me write Marlee's stories which is so much fun!

  2. You are so sweet and I have many memories of you and Carol coming in and spending the afternoon with me. I often felt guilty to charge because we had so much fun and laughs. Felt like I was charging my best friends to play. Lol love you Lu. Your awesome

  3. I am not surprised that you were having raucous afternoons at the beauty shop!
