Friday, September 3, 2010

Falling In Love or Loving To Be Loved

I watched my husband loving me today. I wasn’t feeling just right this morning, so I laid down about an hour after I got up. Shortly after, he came over and covered me up and patted me with a pretense of looking out the window. He didn’t say anything, just went to his chair and sat down.

I didn’t get up until two hours later. Then I felt better and watched television for awhile.

His birthday was a few days ago. He had gotten a gift certificate from some friends for our favorite restaurant. He said, “do you want to go out for lunch?” We seldom go out for lunch. We generally have leftovers from the night before. So what is a girl to do but say, “Well of course!”

We went there and had our favorite meal of fried shrimp. We didn’t care if it wasn’t on our new diet. He has chosen Fridays as his “free” day.

Then we did our second best thing to do……Yes, yard saling!!! I bet you didn’t think that was a word. I told my best friend once, “if you think it’s a word, it is a word.”

Then my husband bought me something I have always wanted; a set of Christmas placemats. My mother-in-law loves it when my table is decorated for the holidays. It cost a whole dollar, but made me a week’s pay happy!

I can remember falling in love. That is the butterfly feeling and the sweaty palms that all happen the moment you see him. Sometimes it happens even if there is a hundred people in the room and you can’t see him; you can feel his presence.

Loving to be loved is a completely different feeling. It is warm, it is mellow, it is yummy, it is “I need a hug” feeling. It is making me laugh so unexpectedly I just laugh from my toes. It is being there with a soft shoulder I can cry on if I need to.

Being loved is being held tightly while dancing a slow dance so I won’t fall. Being loved is listening to my man sing to me. One day while I was on the computer in the other room I was listening to him and thought how special he was.

I hope that I can continue to make him feel loving to be loved forever and ever.


  1. Ooo I do love yard saling, we're rarely up that early (together that is ;p I'm frequently up that early). Hunting for a sofa bed at the moment, I want an old one I can cuddle with the dogs on *grin* they like our Friday night movie night tradition and the current seat is bony!
