Monday, August 9, 2010

'Tis The First Week Of August

'Tis the first week of August and this is the week my daughter was born forty three years ago.
'Tis the first week of August and football begins!
‘Tis the first week of August and some little ones are going to their first year of school, or are returning to school.
‘Tis the first week of August and the chiggers are attacking.
‘Tis the first week of August and already the garden is pulled up and gone. The cleaning up and making it look nice will wait til the chiggers have moved on.
‘Tis the first week of August and the deer have found our melon patch. Those plants have been pulled as well as the others.
‘Tis the first week of August and the heat of July has followed into our beginning of fall.
‘Tis the first week of August and the State Fair is over.
‘Tis the first week of August and we are expecting our new roof on our house to save us lots of money on propane as we were promised!
‘Tis the first week of August and although it brings it’s problems, we would like to see more of them so we can continue complaining.


  1. I got my card yesterday. Thank you so much! I can go shopping now!

  2. that is so weird. I sent it on the 5th!

  3. HI! I have a moment to breath! Native One is happily in his 5th day of First Grade. Native Two starts School on the 16th! It is HOT HOT HOT still. I have a small blogging block as things have been busy and did I mention HOT! It is to HOT to even blog...LOL Well off to get some house work done before Native One needs to be picked up.

    Have a great rest of the week in case I am not able to blog stalk anymore this week!
